Ŋatha ga Mirritjin

Food and Medicine

Buku Manapan Books

Produced by the LPC, this selection of books explore the topic for each term's Buku Manapan. 

Mirritjin Wordlist

Available from the Yolŋu Matha library, these wordlists support the Buku Manapan topics.

Supplementary Readers

Click on the pictures to the left to open fullscreen.

Image Resources

View and download a selection of LPC images to create context specific and visual resources.

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Mirritjin Worksheets

Available to download this list of general terms is a resource to support spelling, vocabulary and reading in the classroom and Gapu wordsearch and worksheet.

Goanna Planner Texts

Djitamapuy Dhäwu

The Yam Story

Ŋurruŋuny nhuma balaŋ marrtji ga ŋunhi nhuma ŋuli retjany nhäŋu, bala nhuma ŋuli gärrin, bala marrtji nhäŋun djitamawnha man'tjarrwu.

First of all, you should go and see the bush. Then you go into the bush and start looking for the leaves of yam.
The leaf of the yam is big and flat.

Identified for Lower Primary Years

Buthurupuy Dhäwu

The Ear Story

Dhuwandja limurruŋ buthuru, ga buthuruny dhuwal ŋänharaw.

This is our ear, we hear with our ears.

Identified for Middle Primary Years

Bilpilŋaniŋpuy Dhäwu

The Jacksonia Tree Story

Dhuwandja biḻpiḻŋaniŋdja mirritjin milŋiny'puy yan, yurr yumurrkuw balanyaraw gaḻ'yunamirriw nhinanhamirriw ga dhärra'-dhärranhamirriw djamarrkuḻiw'. Yaka dhuwal mirritjin ŋaḻapaḻmirriwnydja.

Identified for Upper Primary Years

Teaching and Planning Documents 

Key curriculum and planning documents.

Ŋatha ga Mirritjin Overview & External Resources

Band 1- 4
Overview document that outlines weekly schedule, suggested resources, recommended topics and curriculum alignment across band levels.

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NT ILC - First Language Bilingual

The curriculum is meant to support school staff, language speakers and community Elders to develop strong programs and strong pathways for students to learn and grow their knowledge, understanding and skills in Indigenous Languages and Cultures across all levels and stages of schooling. Strong ownership by local language Custodians and speakers is fundamental to the development of an Indigenous
Language and Culture program.

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NT ILC - Culture: Cultural Knowledge and Content

L1M, L1B, LR, LRN, L2, LCA
The curriculum is meant to support school staff, language speakers and community Elders to develop strong programs and strong pathways for students to learn and grow their knowledge, understanding and skills in Indigenous Languages and Cultures across all levels and stages of schooling. Strong ownership by local language Custodians and speakers is fundamental to the development of an Indigenous
Language and Culture program.

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