Ŋurruŋuny nhuma balaŋ marrtji ga ŋunhi nhuma ŋuli retjany nhäŋu, bala nhuma ŋuli gärrin, bala marrtji nhäŋun djitamawnha man’tjarrwu. Ga balanya ŋayi djitamany man'tjarr gam', yindi ga ḻiḻpam.
First of all, you should go and see the bush. Then you go into the bush and start looking for the leaves of yam. The leaf of the yam is big and flat.
Yaw'yurrnydja nhuma ŋuli djitamany ga yan bili ga maḻŋ'maraŋ, nhuma ŋuli ŋatha djitama. Balanya ŋayi ŋathany rumbal. Buŋu nhuma ŋuli marrtji dhaŋaŋ, bala nhuma ŋuli wäŋan riwarran maḻŋ'maraŋ, bala nhuma ŋuli guṉḏirrnha nhanapul.
Dig for the yams until you can easily find the food. The yam looks like this, it’s round and short. Dig as many as you can, then you can find a place to cook. You should always collect termite mound and put it on top of the fire.
Beŋurnydja nhuma ŋuli marrtji guḻunlila ga raŋan gulkthurr ga ṉorrutj wapmaraŋ manapul balayi raŋanlil. Dhuwandja ṉorrutj ga mulmu raŋanŋur.
After that you have to go to the billabong to strip some paperbark and grass and collect them together. This stem and grass go together with the paperbark.
Marrtji nhuma ŋuli bala ṉorrutjtja guṉḏirrlila ŋapalil rarr'yurr, bala djitamany marrtji guṉḏirrlila rulwaŋdhurr. Beŋuryiny raŋanthun marrtji dhaḻ'maraŋ djitamany, bala gapuynha yurr'yurr ga bulu dhaḻ'maraŋ raŋanthu. Bala munathaynha dholkuŋ, bala nhinin gi ŋir'yunmirra.
You can place the leaves on the termite mound on top, then put the yams on as well. Next, pick up the paperbark and place it around the yams, pour a little bit of water and close it again with the paperbark. Then cover it up with some sand, and sit and breath after all that hard work.
Dhuwandja meṉḏuŋ, dhiyaŋ ŋuli djitamany ralkthun.
Nhini walal märr wiyin' bala nhuma ŋuli warrkthurra djitamany bala raŋanlila rarr'yurr.
This is a snail; with this snail we scrape the yam and it looks like hot chips. Sit and wait a lot longer, then collect the yams and place them onto the paper bark.
Bala marrtji ŋäṉarrmaraŋun djitamany bala nhuma ŋuli ralkthurra marrtji ŋunhi djitamany.
Ralkthunaŋurnydja dhurrwaraŋur nhuma ŋuli gärruŋlila galkurr marrtji djitamany mala, bala riyalalila nhuma ŋuli gäŋu bala ḻupmaraŋun.
Next, peel off the skin from the yams, then you may scrape all the yams using the snail. After scraping the yams put them inside a mesh bag. Carry it straight to the stream and soak it.
Bala nhuma ŋuli ganarrthula waŋgany munha balayi gapulil, märr ŋayi ŋuli gapuynydja ŋunhi djitamany marin djalkthun. Ŋorri nhuma ŋuli djaḏaw'. Bala nhuma ŋuli marrtjin balayin riyalalila bala dhawaṯmaraŋun ŋunhi djitamany. Munha waŋganymirr ŋayi dhuwal ŋathany.
Leave it there for one night in the water, so that the water can get rid of the poison from the yams. You can sleep and go back at dawn. Then you may go back to the stream and collect the yams. This food is only for one night.
Dhäkaynydja ŋayi dhuwal djitamany manymak, ga rerrimiriw ŋayi dhuwal ŋathany. Baman'tja dhiyaŋ ŋathay ŋaḻapaḻmirrnydja walal limurruŋ gan nhina.
The taste of this yam is really good, and in this food, there is no sickness. A long time ago our old people were living with this food.