Yothu Matha-yalwu Djälthin

The Child is Craving

Page 1-2:

Mayalthay waluy, yothu wakir'yunalil djälthin ga waŋanany ŋayi Bäpa'mirriŋuny maranydjalkku.

It was the wet season, the child wanted to go hunting and he asked his father for stingray.

Page 3-4:

Ŋayi Bäpa'mirriŋuydja lakaraŋal bitjarr, "Gäthu, djuḻkthunawuynha walu dhuwal Dhuluḏur' ga galkurra wärrkarrwu wurrkiw'nha."

His father told him, "Son, the season of Dhuluḏur' has already passed, wait for the spider lily flower."

Page 5-6:

Bala yothu marrtjin ga waŋany Märi'mumirriŋuny mäṉaw'nha.

Then the child went and asked his grandfather (paternal) for shark.

Page 7-8:

Ŋayi Märi'mumirriŋuydja lakaraŋal bitjarr, "Marratja, djuḻkthunawuynha Rarranhdharrnydja dhuwal walu mäṉa'mirrnydja ga galkurr dharraŋgulkku wurrkiw'nha."

His grandfather told him, "Grandson, the hot dry season is the time for shark and it has already passed, wait for the red-flowering kurrajong flower."

Page 9-10:

Bala yothu marrtjin ga waŋany Ŋäṉḏi'mirriŋuny miyapunuw mapuw'.

Then the child went and asked his mother for turtle eggs.

Page 11-12:

Ŋayi Ŋäṉḏi'mirriŋuydja lakaraŋal bitjarr, "Dhuwana bala marrtjin ga Miḏawarrnydja walu." Ŋunhi nhe boŋguŋ nhäŋu rowu wurrki' ga ŋunhiyin miyapunuw mapuw' ga bawalamirriwnha ŋarirriw' ga maypalwu, ŋatha ŋamakuli'ŋumirra.

His mother told him, "The end of the wet season is coming. Later, if you see the goat's foot creeper flower, that will be the time for turtle eggs, lots of fish and shellfish, it's time for harvest."

Page 13-14:

Bala yothu marrtjin ga waŋany Yapa'mirriŋuny wäkuṉgu ŋarirriw'.

Then the child went and asked his sister for mullet.

Page 15-16:

"Yo, dhuwana bala marrtjin ga Guṉmulnha walu. Ŋunhi nhäŋun nhe boŋguŋ wäkwaknha wurrkiny'."

"Yes, the mid wet season is coming. Later you will see water lily flowers."

Page 17-18:

Bala yothu marrtjin ga waŋany Ŋathi'mirriŋuny ratjukku. Ŋathi'mirriŋuy lakaraŋal bitjarra, "Dhuwandja walu ratjukmirra ga garkuyimirra bili bärray'nha dhuwal ga wurrkiny' nhäŋu gäŋa."

Then the child went and asked his grandfather (maternal) for barramundi. Grandfather told him, "This is the time for barramundi and small mullet because it is the time of the West wind and you will see the wild passionfruit flower."

Page 19-20:

"Go, ŋali marrtjin yothu ŋarirri'lila ratjukku ga garkuyiwnha!"

"Come child, let's go for barramundi and small mullet!"
