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Waŋganymirriy waluy dhiyal wäŋaŋur Galiwin'ku. Ŋäṉḏi'mirriŋu gan nhinan wäŋaŋur yurr ŋayi gan ŋunhi ŋäthin yolŋuny ga yaka marŋgi nhä ŋayi dhu djäma.
"Ye wäŋany dhuwal dhukunmirra!", bitjarr ŋayi waŋan. Yurr ŋayi gan baḏak ŋunhi ŋäthin ga ḏawa'-ḏawayurr nhanŋu muḻkurrnydja.
One day in the town of Galiwin'ku, a mother sat crying, not knowing what to do.
"Our town is just so messy!" she said, as she went on crying and shaking her head.
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Ŋunhi walal marrtjin ga nhäŋal ŋunhi dhukun mala, ga mel-djaw'yunmin walal. Yakan walal gan djälthin djämaw!
Ga yuwalktja walal gan ŋunhi djälthin wakalwu buḻ'yunaraw bala walal waṉḏinan. Ga ŋäṉḏi'mirriŋuydja marrtjin nhäŋala djamarrkuḻiny' guŋga'yunamiriwnha mala, bala ŋäṉḏi'mirriŋuny goramirriyinany.
Well, the kids of the town, they looked away, no one wanted to pick up rubbish all day!
Then off they ran to play their games, while the mother looked at them with shame.
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Yurr mak ŋula yolthu ŋanya ŋäkul ŋäthinyalil. Bala yindi djarraṯawun' bunan nhanŋu beŋur maŋanŋur.
Ga bitjarrnydja gan dhärran gumurrŋur nhanukal, beŋur garrwarŋur yarrupthurr ŋula wanhamiŋur wäŋaŋur. Dharrwa ga yindi mala wurrpaṉ' bunan ŋunhiliyi wäŋaŋur.
But someone must’ve heard her cry, because down came lightning from the sky. Then standing in front of her out of the blue, was a whole huge mob of proud Emus!
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Nhäŋal walal wiṉ'kuŋulil, ga nhäŋal walal dhunupaŋulil. Bala walal nhäŋal dharrwa dhukun gumurrŋur walalaŋgal.
Ga waŋanhamin walal bitjanmin, "Ŋathili walala nhäŋu dhukun, walalaŋguŋu djämapuy yolŋu'-yulŋuwuŋu!" bitjarr walal waŋanhamin ŋunhi mala wurrpaṉ', "Ŋathili limurru dhu dhuwala djäma dhukun!" Bala walal dhärranan.
Well, they looked to the left and they looked to the right, and they looked at all that rubbish in their sight.
"Look at all the mess they’ve made!", they said. "We need to have an Emu Parade!"
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Bala walal marrtjin dhärran, waŋganynha walal djäma dhunupan wiyin'nha dhukarr.
Ga beŋur garrwarŋur walal baḻapthurrnydja ŋoylil. Bala marrtjin dhukunnha wapmaraŋal munathaŋura!
So they got themselves into one long line, and they marched across that town so fine.
And from way up high, they all leaned down, to pick up all the rubbish on the ground!
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Nhälil walal wurrpaṉ'thu mala dhukun djuḏupmaraŋal? Walal djuḏupmaraŋal dhukundja dhukunpuylil. Nhälil walal wurrpaṉ'thu mala dhukun djuḏupmaraŋal? Walal djuḏupmaraŋal dhukundja dhukunpuylil banikinlil!
What did the Emus put the rubbish in? They put that rubbish in the rubbish bin!
What did the Emus put the rubbish in? They put that rubbish in the rubbish bin!
Page 16
Ga bulu djaḻkarr'yurr djarraṯawun' walalnydja wurrpaṉ'tja mala winya'yurra. Ŋäṉḏi'mirriŋuny rur'yurr goḏarrmirrnydja ga nhäŋal walun.
Bala ŋayi waŋan, "Nhäŋu ŋäthil ḏarrtjalknha dhuwal wäŋany bilin djämapuynha. Mak djamarrkuḻiy' walal dhuwal dhukun djäma yurr walal ŋunhi wurrpaṉ'nha wanaŋguŋalnydja!"
With another flash of lightning, they were gone, then the mother woke up to the morning sun.
She said, "Look how clean our town’s been made, those kids must’ve had an Emu Parade!"
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Ga ŋayi ŋäṉḏi'mirriŋunydja gurrupara walalany djamarrkuḻiny' märr-ŋamathinyawuy rom dhangi'yurra walalany. Ŋunhi walal marrtjin dhukundja wapmaraŋal nhanukal dhukarrŋur. Ga bäyŋun walal lakaraŋal nhanukal ŋunhiwurrnhany wurrpaṉ'nhany mala.
Well the mother gave all those kids a treat, for picking up the rubbish all along her street.
They never told her (well, would you?), about the parade of those proud Emus!
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Ga beŋuryiny ŋupar walal djandi waŋgany. Ga ŋunhi mala djamarrkuḻi' waŋgany manapanmin ŋunhal bala bukuŋur dhukarrŋur. Ga ḻuŋ'thurr walal bala djäma waŋganynha wiyin' dhunupa yarraṯa, bala walal marrtjinan buku-ḻiw'maraŋala wäŋakurra.
But after that then, once a week, those kids got together at the top of the street.
And they got themselves into one long line, and they marched across that town so fine.
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Ga garramatŋur, walal bukmak baḻapthurr yurr nyilŋ'thurr ŋoylil!
Nhälil walal djamarrkuḻiy' dhukun djuḏupmaraŋal? Walal djuḏupmaraŋal dhukundja dhukunpuylil banikinlil.
And from way up high, they all leaned down, to pick up all the rubbish on the ground! And what did they put that rubbish in? They put all the rubbish in the rubbish bin!
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Dhiyaŋuny bala wanhawal nhe dhu djuḏupmaram nhuŋuwuy nhe dhukun?
"Dhukunpuylil banikinlil." Ga balanya dhuwal dhäwuny nhumalaŋ.
So now what will YOU put YOUR rubbish in? "We’ll put all OUR rubbish in the rubbish bin!"
And that's the end of the story.