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Wiripuny, yolŋu walal gan nhina-nhinan wäŋaŋur.
Some people were sitting in their home.
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Ga wiripuny walal yolŋu'-yulŋu marrtjin bala djatthunaraw wiyi'-wiyingu dharpaw mala. Ga gulkthurrnydja walal dharpany goŋ-waŋgany ga waŋgany bäythinyawuy.
They got up and went to cut some poles. They cut six of them.
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Ga bulu walal djatthurr ḻurrkun' wiyi'-wiyin dharpa mälakmaranharaw.
Then they cut three long poles to lay crossways.
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Bala walal ŋarŋgan mala yaw'yurr ŋurikiyin dharpawnha mala. Bala walal nhirrpa'-nhirrpara ŋunhi dharpany mala.
They dug some holes for the poles. Then they stood up the poles.
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Ga beŋuryiny walal gondhaŋal ṉäkun mala bala gäŋal wäŋalila. Djäma walal ŋunhiyi ḻoḻuny dhawar'maraŋal ḻinygun.
Then they collected some bark and brought it back home. They finished building the shelter.
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Ga ḻinygun dhuwal. Bala walal dhathar'yurra balan yuṯalila wäŋalil.
Then it was finished. They moved camp to their new shelter.