Ŋarirri' ga Miyapunu

Fish and Turtle

Yolŋu walal barpuru ga raŋiŋur galkun ŋathiw ga bäpaw.
Yesterday some people were waiting at the beach, grandfather and father.

Bili maṉḏa marrtji bala dhakallil ŋarirriw' ga miyapunuw.
(They were waiting) because they went to the island for fish and turtle.

Nhina walal, bala nhäma marthaŋay ga waṉḏirr dhakalŋur.
They were staying there then they saw a boat coming from the island.

Bala walal yolŋuny walal waṉḏirr bala bäpawal ga ŋathiwal.
Then they ran to father and grandfather.

Maṉḏany gäma ŋarirri' ga miyapunu dhakalŋur.
They brought fish and turtle from the island.

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