Alphabet Resources
Browse through the available Alphabet resources.
Alphabet Photo Posters
These Alphabet Posters are available printed and laminated by the LPC as A4 or A3 size. You can download the PDF for making activities.
Press the view button to bring them up on your computer for projecting on the whiteboard.
Individual Letter Worksheets
These Letter Worksheets are available printed by the LPC as A3 size. You can also download the PDF and use it to project onto your whiteboard.
These Sound Booklets are available in the Yolŋu Matha Library printed by the LPC as A5 or A4 size. You can also download the PDF.
VIEW BOOKLETSNouns, Adjectives and Verbs
Click on the pictures to the left to open fullscreen.
DOWNLOAD PDFDouble Letter Sounds
This Märrma' Dhurrpa Poster are available printed by the LPC in A3 size. You can also download the PDF.
YM Alphabet chart is available A2 size
from the LPC.
Alphabet Picture Dictionary
Dhäruk Djorra'
Copies of the Children's Alphabet Picture Dictionary are available from the LPC. You can also download a copy and print out pages to make activities.
Press the view button to bring them up on your computer for projecting on the whiteboard.
Handwriting Booklets
Worksheets to help students to create the shapes required for handwriting letters.
DOWNLOAD PDFAlphabet Flash Cards
(lower case)
Accompanying the Rirrakay Chart A5 is a set of alphabet flash cards with image prompts.
Download them or request printing and laminating at the LPC. Also available with upper and lower case letters upon request.