Nhä Miny'tji Biḻayin Ŋunha

What Colour is that Plane?

3. Nhä miny'tji biḻayin ŋunha?
What colour is that plane?

5. Nhä dhuwal miny'tji ḏurak?
What colour is this truck?

7. Nhä miny'tji mutika ŋunha?
What colour is that car?

9. Nhä dhuwal miny'tji marthaŋay?
What colour is this boat?

11. Nhä dhuwal miny'tji mutubayik?
What colour is this motorbike?

13. Nhä miny'tji buthuḻu ŋunha?
What colour is that helicopter?

15. Nhä miny'tji batjikuḻ ŋunha?
What colour is that bicycle?

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