Page 2
Yothuy ŋäthin ŋäṉḏiny ga bäpany, rirrikthurr ŋayi buthuru ga rathalay.
A little boy cried out to his mother and father. His ears hurt, and he had a headache.
Page 4
Bala ŋayi ŋäṉḏi'mirriŋuny marrtjin raŋilila manhdhapiḏiwnha.
His mother walked to the beach to collect manhdhapiḏi, a type of sea slug.
Page 6
Ŋayiny yothuny ga bäpa'mirriŋuny marrtjin ḻarruŋal baḏarrwu man'tjarrwu.
Meanwhile, the little boy and his father walked off in search of baḏarr, the paperbark tree, to collect its leaves.
Page 8
Yurr dhukarrdja maṉḏa märraŋal wäkwakmirrilil. Ga ŋayiny yothuydja nhäŋal man'tjarrnha bala waŋanan bitjarr, "Bäpa, nhä dhuwandja man'tjarr?".
The two of them took the path that passed by the wäkwakmirr, the billabong. The little boy saw some leaves and asked his father, "Dad, what are these leaves?".
Page 11
Ga ŋayi bäpa'mirriŋuydja lakaraŋal bitjarr, "Burukpili dhuwandja man'tjarr, ŋalparr'wu".
His father told him, "These are the leaves of burukpili, cheese-fruit, you can use them when you have a cough".
Page 12
Bala maṉḏa marrtjinan raŋilila ga ŋayiny yothuydja nhäŋal man'tjarrnha bala waŋanan bitjarr, "Bäpa, nhä dhuwandja man'tjarr?".
Then they walked to the raŋi, the beach. The little boy saw some leaves and asked his father, "Dad, what are these leaves?".
Page 15
Ga ŋayi bäpa'mirriŋuydja lakaraŋal bitjarr, "Malwan dhuwandja man'tjarr, mäpaṉgu".
His father told him, "These are the leaves of malwan, anative hibiscus, you can use them when you have a boil".
Page 16
Yarrupnha maṉḏa raŋi-ŋupara marrtjin, bala ŋayiny yothuydja nhäŋal man'tjarrnha ŋayi marrtjin raŋi-ŋupar ŋorran bala ŋayi yothuydja waŋanan bitjarr, "Bäpa, nhä dhuwandja man'tjarr?".
They then climbed down the sand dunes and walked along the beach. The little boy saw some leaves and asked his father, "Dad, what are these leaves?".
Page 19
Ga ŋayi bäpa'mirriŋuydja lakaraŋal bitjarr, "Rowu dhuwandja man'tjarr, djetjiw".
His father told him, "These are the leaves of rowu, the goat's foot creeper, you can use them when you have a scratch or a cut".
Page 20
Dhä-ŋur beŋuryiny maṉḏa nhäŋala djurryurr'nha gapu, waṉḏin gan. Bala yan maṉḏa dhunupan marrtjinany balayin dharpalil, ŋunhi wanha gan baḏarr dharpa dhärran.
Finally, they saw a rainwater stream. It led them straight to the bush where baḏarr, the paperbark trees, stood.
Page 22
Nhäŋal maṉḏa man'tjarrdja, bala ŋayiny bäpa'mirriŋuydja lakaraŋal yothuwal bitjarr gam', "Gäthu, dhuwana baḏarrdja dharpa ga man'tjarr".
They saw the leaves, and the father told the little boy, "Son, this is baḏarr, and these are its leaves".
Page 25
Bala maṉḏa marrtjin gulkthurra man'tjarrdja, bala yan roŋiyinan wäŋalila.
They picked the leaves and headed home.
Page 27
Gäman maṉḏa marrtjin baḏarrdja man'tjarr muḻkurryu wäŋalildja. Gurthany gan ŋawyurra ŋäṉḏi'mirriŋuy dhaŋalkkuŋal, ga gurthaŋurdja gan nhäran manhdhapiḏi.
They carried the leaves home on their heads. While they had been away, the little boy's mother had prepared gurtha, a fire. The manhdhapiḏi were already on the fire when they arrived home.
Page 29
Bäpa'mirriŋuydja ga yothuydja dhunupan yan gapun ḏiṯthurr rupa'lila, bala dhunupan yan buŋbuŋmaraŋala baḏarrdja man'tjarr gurthalila.
The little boy and his father scooped some water into a billy and put it straight onto the fire, to boil the baḏarr leaves they had collected.
Page 30
Dhawaṯmaraŋal maṉḏa gurthaŋurdja baḏarr rupa'mirr ga manhdhapiḏi, bala ŋulwitjkuŋala. Ga bäy ŋayi-i-i-i yal'yurr banikin baḏarrmirr, bala yothunhan maṉḏa ŋäṉḏiy ga bäpay lupmaraŋala ŋuruŋiyiny baḏarryu.
The manhdhapiḏi and baḏarr were taken off the fire and left to cool. The billy full of baḏarr medicine slowly cooled down, then the mother and father washed their little boy with it.
Page 33
Dhä-ŋur beŋuryiny ḻupmaranhaŋur yothuwal, maṉḏa ŋäṉḏiy ga bäpay rarryurr weka manhdhapiḏi buthurulila yothuwal.
After the little boy's mother and father had washed him, they dripped the liquid from the manhdhapiḏi into his ear.
Page 34
Bala ŋayi yothuny ḻayyurra, bala rälin ŋayi gan waṉḏi-waṉḏinany walŋathinan rerriŋurdja. Ga yakurrtja walalaŋ latjuny dhika bunan.
The little boy felt better, his earache and headache were starting to go away. The family all had a good rest that night.
Page 36
Ga wiripun walu djaḏaw'yurr, ŋayi yothuny gan buḻ'yurra bawalamirrikurra, bili walal warrpam'nha nhinanany gan ŋayaŋu-djulŋithinan.
The next morning, the little boy played excitedly, and the whole family felt happy again.
Red Cement tree (Terminalia Carpentaria)
Sandpaper Fig Tree (Ficus Opposita)
Drift wood (Camptostemen Schultzi)
First published in 1984 as the chapters 'Human Classification – Bereavement Terms and Different Types of People', 'Artifacts - Shelters and Containers', 'Insects and Spiders' in Dhuwal Djambarrpuyŋu Dhäruk Mala Ga Mayali' printed and published by Yirrkala Community School LPC. Additional entries compiled into Medicine by Aliment from Dhuwal Djambarrpuyŋu Dhäruk Mala Ga Mayali' by Sherilyn Dhamarraṉdji, Emma Smolenaers, Andie Clements and Classroom Assistant Teachers.
Illustrations by Emma Smolenaers, Paul Biyarranydjarrwuy, Margaret Muṯuwili and Andie Clements.
Ŋathi gan ŋorran gäthur waluŋur.
Ga ŋama' marrtjin ŋaraliw'bala ŋathiwal, bala ŋayi bumar ŋarali',
bala marrtjin wäŋaŋur, bala räkaylil.
Ga ŋayi räkay bumar ŋamay',
bala ŋayi marrtjin räli wäŋalil, ŋathiw räkay marrtjin gäŋal.
Wäwa marrtjin bala wäŋalil. Ŋayi bathi ŋamaw' gäŋal.
Ŋama' marrtjin gäŋaw.
Ŋayi bumar gäŋa bathilil,
bala ŋayi gäŋal ŋathiw raŋilil.
Dhuwandja biḻpiḻŋaniŋdja mirritjin milŋiny'puy yan, yurr yumurrkuw balanyaraw gaḻ'yunamirriw nhinanhamirriw ga dhärra'-dhärranhamirriw djamarrkuḻiw'. Yaka dhuwal mirritjin ŋaḻapaḻmirriwnydja.
Ŋurruŋuny napurr ŋuli marrtji ḏiltjilil ga ḻarrumany napurr ŋuli dharpaw yäkuw biḻpiḻŋaniŋgu. Ga balanya nhanŋu man'tjarrnydja.
Ŋunhi napurr maḻŋ'maramany bala ŋayiny Djuluŋaynydja gulkthuna.
Gulkthundja ŋunhi ŋuli ga balanyan ŋunhi watharrnha wiriny'tjundja ŋuli ŋanya.
Ŋurruŋuny napurr ŋuli marrtj bala ḏiltjilil, bala napurr nhäman rarralan. Bala ŋayi Djuluŋaynydja märraman.
Märramany ŋayi rarralany bala ŋayi ga wiriny'tjuna. Bala ŋayi rulwaŋdhuna djorra'lila.
Bala ŋayi yarrwa'yuna biḻpiḻŋaniŋdja djorra'lila.
Dhuwandja gapu nhära ga gorrmur' biḻpiḻŋaniŋgu. Ga guṉḏany rarralany ga djinagan ŋorra rupa'ŋura. Ga ŋuriŋiyi rarralay guṉḏay ŋuli ŋunhiyi dhäkay manymakkum, märr dhu ŋoy yothuny ḏälkum. Märr dhu ŋunhiyi yothu yakan buluny rirrikthun milŋiny'thu.
Ga beŋuryiny ŋayi ga wapmaraman ŋunhi biḻpiḻŋanaŋdja balan gorrmur'lila gapulil.
Ga dhuwana gapu ga buŋbuŋdhuna. Ga guṉḏany ga ŋorra ŋunhi rupa'ŋura djinagan.
Beŋuryiny limurr ŋuli rulwaŋdhurr rupa' biḻpiḻŋaniŋmirr balan gurthalila, ga bäynha ŋuli ga nhära gurthaŋur.
Ŋunhi ŋuli buŋbuŋdhundja bala märraman ŋunhiyi rupa' biḻpiḻŋaniŋmirr, yurr wiriny'tjunawuy. Bala rulwaŋdhuna ŋulwitjkuman ŋuli.
Ga bäy ŋuli biḻpiḻŋaniŋ rupa'mirr ŋulwitjthirr bala ŋuli gurrupana yothunhany yan. Gurrupanydja ŋuli dhuwal biḻpiḻŋaniŋdja ŋunhi ŋuli yothuny rirrikthun milŋiny'thuny.
Bala limurr ŋuli ŋuruŋiyi wiriny'tjunawuyyu biḻpiḻŋaniŋ yothunhany biḏi'yurrnha rumbalnha. Bala ŋuli yothuny manymakthirra.
Ŋurruŋuny nhuma balaŋ marrtji ga ŋunhi nhuma ŋuli retjany nhäŋu, bala nhuma ŋuli gärrin, bala marrtji nhäŋun djitamawnha man’tjarrwu. Ga balanya ŋayi djitamany man'tjarr gam', yindi ga ḻiḻpam.
First of all, you should go and see the bush. Then you go into the bush and start looking for the leaves of yam. The leaf of the yam is big and flat.
Yaw'yurrnydja nhuma ŋuli djitamany ga yan bili ga maḻŋ'maraŋ, nhuma ŋuli ŋatha djitama. Balanya ŋayi ŋathany rumbal. Buŋu nhuma ŋuli marrtji dhaŋaŋ, bala nhuma ŋuli wäŋan riwarran maḻŋ'maraŋ, bala nhuma ŋuli guṉḏirrnha nhanapul.
Dig for the yams until you can easily find the food. The yam looks like this, it’s round and short. Dig as many as you can, then you can find a place to cook. You should always collect termite mound and put it on top of the fire.
Beŋurnydja nhuma ŋuli marrtji guḻunlila ga raŋan gulkthurr ga ṉorrutj wapmaraŋ manapul balayi raŋanlil. Dhuwandja ṉorrutj ga mulmu raŋanŋur.
After that you have to go to the billabong to strip some paperbark and grass and collect them together. This stem and grass go together with the paperbark.
Marrtji nhuma ŋuli bala ṉorrutjtja guṉḏirrlila ŋapalil rarr'yurr, bala djitamany marrtji guṉḏirrlila rulwaŋdhurr. Beŋuryiny raŋanthun marrtji dhaḻ'maraŋ djitamany, bala gapuynha yurr'yurr ga bulu dhaḻ'maraŋ raŋanthu. Bala munathaynha dholkuŋ, bala nhinin gi ŋir'yunmirra.
You can place the leaves on the termite mound on top, then put the yams on as well. Next, pick up the paperbark and place it around the yams, pour a little bit of water and close it again with the paperbark. Then cover it up with some sand, and sit and breath after all that hard work.
Dhuwandja meṉḏuŋ, dhiyaŋ ŋuli djitamany ralkthun.
Nhini walal märr wiyin' bala nhuma ŋuli warrkthurra djitamany bala raŋanlila rarr'yurr.
This is a snail; with this snail we scrape the yam and it looks like hot chips. Sit and wait a lot longer, then collect the yams and place them onto the paper bark.
Bala marrtji ŋäṉarrmaraŋun djitamany bala nhuma ŋuli ralkthurra marrtji ŋunhi djitamany.
Ralkthunaŋurnydja dhurrwaraŋur nhuma ŋuli gärruŋlila galkurr marrtji djitamany mala, bala riyalalila nhuma ŋuli gäŋu bala ḻupmaraŋun.
Next, peel off the skin from the yams, then you may scrape all the yams using the snail. After scraping the yams put them inside a mesh bag. Carry it straight to the stream and soak it.
Bala nhuma ŋuli ganarrthula waŋgany munha balayi gapulil, märr ŋayi ŋuli gapuynydja ŋunhi djitamany marin djalkthun. Ŋorri nhuma ŋuli djaḏaw'. Bala nhuma ŋuli marrtjin balayin riyalalila bala dhawaṯmaraŋun ŋunhi djitamany. Munha waŋganymirr ŋayi dhuwal ŋathany.
Leave it there for one night in the water, so that the water can get rid of the poison from the yams. You can sleep and go back at dawn. Then you may go back to the stream and collect the yams. This food is only for one night.
Dhäkaynydja ŋayi dhuwal djitamany manymak, ga rerrimiriw ŋayi dhuwal ŋathany. Baman'tja dhiyaŋ ŋathay ŋaḻapaḻmirrnydja walal limurruŋ gan nhina.
The taste of this yam is really good, and in this food, there is no sickness. A long time ago our old people were living with this food.
Page 1.
Dhuwandja limurruŋ buthuru, ga buthuruny dhuwal ŋänharaw.
This is our ear, we hear with our ears.
Page 2.
1. Dhuwandja warraŋulpuy buthuru
1. This is the outer ear.
2. Dhuwandja ṉapuŋga'puy buthuru
2. This is the middle ear,
3. Dhuwandja djinawa'puy buthuru
3. And this is the inner ear.
Page 3.
Balanyan limurruŋgal djinawany' buthuruŋurnydja ga dhärra, nhakun ḻurrkun'nha ḻika-ḻikanmirra mathirra.
It looks like this, it’s like a cave with three rooms.
Page 5.
Dharrwa ŋunhi yolŋuny djamarrkuḻi' ŋuli gi bäyŋuny ŋäku wukirriŋurnydja ga wäŋaŋurnydja, bili buthuruny walalaŋ yätjkurrnha. Mak ŋalparr'yun ga ŋurrtjiynha walal ŋuli rirrikthun.
Lots of Yolŋu children have difficulties in hearing at school and at home, because their ears are blocked.
This tells us why our children have pus coming out of their ears.
Page 7.
Ga ŋuli dhu nhuŋu yothu rirrikthun buthuruny wo boyara waṉḏirr, bondi ŋanya gäŋu watjpillil, märr walal dhu ŋanya djäma buthuru manymakkum.
If your child has ear problems and has pus coming out of them, please take them to the health centre, so the health workers can fix their ears.
Page 9.
Dhuwandja ga lakaram nhaliy ŋuli ŋunhi waṉḏirr boyara buthuruŋur djamarrkuḻi'wal. Bala walal ŋuli buthuruny raypinydhirra, bala walal ŋuli dharpaynha dharrdharryunmirr, bala walal ŋuli
Ga wiripuny wurruḻuḻnha ŋuli walalaŋgal gärr buthurulil.
If they have itchy ears, they may poke them and make them sore. Sometimes a fly gets into their ear.
Page 11.
Ga ŋunhi dhu yolŋuy bäyŋuny ŋäma, ŋunhiyiny nhakun nhanŋu buthuruny ga gungaman mäkiriynha wo maṉmarrkthun ga boyaraynha, bili ŋayi ŋuli bäyŋun ŋäma limurrunhany, ga rirrakaynydja ŋuli bäyŋun gärri djinawa'lilnydja buthurulil.
If the child cannot hear us that means their ears are blocked with wax and pus, then they won’t hear us, because the sound won’t get into the inner ear.
Page 13.
Ŋunhi nhuma dhu yakany walalany gäma watjpillil bondi, walalnydja dhu bäyŋun ga ŋäma, ga waŋa manymakkum, ga marŋgithirr.
If you don’t take them to the health centre quickly, they won’t be able to hear and talk properly.
Page 15.
Ga dhuwal mala ŋunhi girriny' watjpil djämamirriy dhu gäma buthuruwnydja rurrwuyunaraw. Djaktjin, gapu, ga rupa nyumukuṉiny', yurr ḏarrtjalknha.
Ga dhipuŋurnydja dhurrwaraŋur, walal ŋuli rurrwuyunna walalany buthurun, ga beŋuryiny mulka'kuman bala mirritjin’nha rarryun buthurulilnydja.
These are the things the health workers get, to clean your ears: a syringe and a little dish with clean water. Then they clean the child's ears and dry them, and put a few drops in their ear.
Page 17.
Ŋäthil baman'tja yolŋu gan rirrikthurr buthuru, walalnydja ŋuli ganha manhdhapiḏiy djurryunminya walalawuynha walal buthuruny.
Rumbalnydja ŋayi manhdhapiḏiny balanya gam'.
In the olden days, Yolŋu went to the beach to get a sea slug called mandhapiḏi. Then they would take them home and make medicine out of it. This is what it looks like.
Page 19.
Buku-djulŋimirr, djäga walal nhumalaŋguwuy nhuma buthuruw manymakkuŋun, märr nhuma dhu yakan buluny rirrikthun.
Yaka walal dharrdharryunmirr buthuru dharpay, nhuma dhu yätjkurryam nhumalaŋguwuy nhuma buthuru.
So please look after your ears properly, so you won’t get sick again. And don’t ever poke your ears again with a stick because it may damage your ears.
Dhiyaŋ wuŋiḻiy' ga lakaram dhäwu manymakpuy bamburuŋburuŋbuy. Bukmak gurrkurr mala ga waŋgany manapanmirr.
Dhäwu gurruṯumirriw malaw, marŋgikunharaw ga dharaŋanaraw rumbalwu yolŋuw.
This picture tells the story of a healthy brain. All the parts of a healthy brain are connected. Stories, Family, Culture and Body T