Page 1:
Rägudha ŋuli ga marrtji wukirrilil bitjan bili ḻukuy, maṉḏa ŋäṉḏiy ga bäpaydja bäyim nhanŋu yuṯan batjikuḻ.
Rägudha used to walk to school every day until her mother and father bought a new bike for her.
Page 3:
Wiripunydja walu, Rägudha marrtjin wukirrilil batjikuḻyun, yurr marrtjin ŋayi wakalnha buḻ'yurr ga yan bili wukirriŋur ŋayathaŋal, bili ŋayi ŋayaŋu-buŋgaṯthurra batjikuḻyun.
The next day, Rägudha went to school on her bike. While she was riding, she was playing until she reached school, her bike made her feel joyful.
Page 5:
Walalnydja djamarrkuḻiny' ḏawa'yun ga nhäman ŋanya bili ŋayi galkirri batjikuḻŋur bala walal ŋanya warku'yuna. Beŋuryiny bala walal warrpamnha djamarrkuḻi' marrtjin classroom-lila. Djinaga class-ŋurnydja ŋayi Rägudhany goran ga bukuynha ŋayi ga nhäma ŋoylila yan.
A group of children turned around and saw her fall from her bike and they made fun of her. After that all the children went into the classroom. Inside the classroom, Rägudha started to feel shame and she stared at the mat.
Page 7:
Rumbalnydja ŋayi maḏakarritjthirra ga goŋdja ŋayi ḏälthirra, galki muka balaŋ ŋayi djiya ŋurrkanha djamarrkuḻi'walnydja! Yan ŋanya gulmaram ḻundu'mirriŋuy ga ditjay nhanukal.
Her body started to feel angry and her hands made fists, she nearly threw a chair at the children! Only her friend and the teacher stopped her.
Page 9:
Bala ŋayi Rägudhany ŋäthin ga ŋoyŋura daybuḻŋura.
Then Rägudha started to cry under the table.
Page 11:
Ditjay ga ḻundu'mirriŋuydja ŋanya Rägudhanhan gäma wupitjlila. Ŋunhiliyin balaŋ ŋayi galkuna nhanŋu ŋäṉḏiw ga bäpawnha, bili ŋanya djamarrkuḻiy' ŋayaŋu-wutthun. Yurr maṉḏany bäyŋun marrtji bili maṉḏaŋgal djäman gumurr'ŋura dharrwathirr. Wupitjlila maṉḏa riŋimap bala lakaraman Rägudhawal ŋunhi nhanŋu märi'mirriŋu ga buna biḻayindhu.
Her friend and teacher took Rägudha to the office where she waited for her mother and father because the children made her frustrated. But her mother and father didn’t come because they had lots of work. They called the office and told Rägudha that her grandmother was arriving on a plane.
Page 13:
Bala ŋayi Rägudhany dhika rumbalnydja mirithinan goŋmirriyin ga ŋayaŋuny-latjuyinan bili ŋayi dhäwun ŋäkul manymaknha ŋäṉḏiwuŋ ga bäpawuŋun, ŋunhi nhanŋu ga märi'mirriŋu roŋiyirra Darwin-ŋur. Batjikuḻyun ŋayi waṉḏirr airport-lilnydja nhänharaw märi'mirriŋunydja bili ŋayi ŋayaŋu-mulkathinan. Beŋuryiny walal bukmaknha marrtji wäŋalila.
Then Rägudha felt very happy and calm because she heard the good news from her mother and father that her grandmother was returning from Darwin. She rode her bike to the airport to see her grandmother and she felt safe. Afterwards they all went home.
Page 15:
Yaka wiyin'tja walal nhina, nhäman walal ditjany ŋayi ga marrtji, dhäwun marrtji gäma wukirripuynha Rägudhawnha. Rägudhany ŋunhiliyin ŋayaŋu-bitjunminany gan nhinan, dhäwunha. Ditjay lakaraŋala dhäwu gurruṯumirriwal mala ŋunhi Rägudha yothu mirithirr manymak ga ḻiya-djambatj wukirriŋur. Marrtji ŋayi ŋuli ga wukirrilil bitjan bili walukurr yan.
They didn’t sit for long when they saw the teacher coming, bringing Rägudha’s school report. Rägudha sat, feeling tense. The teacher told a story to the family about how Rägudha was a talented and bright child at school. She always came to school on time every day.
Page 17:
Rägudhaydja mirithin buku-gurrupar gurruṯumirriny walalany ga ditjany ŋunhi walal ŋanya guŋga'yurr ga ŋayaŋu rur'maraŋal ŋunhal wäŋaŋur ga wukirriŋur. Mirithinany dhika ŋayi ŋayaŋu-djulŋithinany, bala ŋayi marrtjin dhäwun gäŋal bawalamirriwal gurruṯumirriwal ga ḻundu'mirriŋuwal.
Rägudha thanked her family and teacher for helping and uplifting her at home and at school. She felt proud and went and told all her friends and family.
Page 19:
Rägudha waŋanan bitjarr, "Yo Märi, ŋarra dhuwal djawaryurra ga ŋorranharawnha ŋarra djälthin bili gäthur wukirriŋur ŋarra gan ŋayaŋu dharrwathin."
Märiy buku-bakmaraŋal bitjarr, "Manymak Gutharra dhuwali, yurr nhe dhu marŋgithirra balanyaraw dhäkay-ŋänharaw mala bäy nhe dhu ŋaḻapaḻthin."
Rägudha said, “Yo Märi, I’m tired and want to go to sleep because today at school my emotions went up and down.”
Märi replied, “That’s ok Gutharra you will learn about different types of emotions as you get older.”
Page 1:
Ŋarrakal buthuruydja ŋuli ga ŋäma. Bitjan nhakun weṯiy' ŋuli ŋäma djambatjnha yolŋuny.
My ears are for listening. Like the wallaby listening for the hunter.
Page 3:
Ŋarrakal melyu ŋuli ga nhäma. Bitjan nhakun ḏamalay ŋuli nhäma ŋarirri' gapulil.
My eyes are for seeing. Like the sea eagle sees the fish in the water.
Page 5:
Ŋarrakal ŋurruy ŋuli ga nhuman. Balanya nhakun mäṉay' ŋuli nhuman maŋgu.
My nose is for smelling. Like a shark smelling blood.
Page 7:
Ŋarrakal goŋdhu ŋuli ga ŋayatham. Balanya nhakun nyokay' ŋuli goŋdhu ŋayatham dharpa ḏälkum.
My hands are for holding. Like the crab holding the branch tightly.
Page 9:
Ŋarrakal ḻukuy ŋuli ga waṉḏirr. Nhakun waṯuy ŋuli warr'warryun djamarrkuḻiny'!
My feet are for running. Like the dog chasing children!
Page 11:
Ŋarrakal mathay ŋuli ga dhäkay-birrka'yun.
Nhakun djanday ŋuli ḻuka miyapunu mapu'?
Yaka! Balanya nhakun Märiy ŋuli ḻuka guku!
My tongue is for tasting.
Like a goanna eating turtle eggs?
No! Like Grandmother eating honey!
Page 3.
Warrakan' ga nhina dharpaŋur. Nyaŋ'thun ŋayi ga mewirri' yalu'ŋur. Ga djamarrkuḻi' mala ga ŋorra galkun nhanŋu.
A bird was sitting in the tree. She was eating worms in the nest. And the children were sleeping waiting for her.
Page 5.
Bala waŋgany nhanŋu yothu rur'yurr ga waŋan ŋayi, "Ŋama', wanha ŋarraku ŋatha? Ŋarra dhuwal djaṉŋarrthin."
"Bulnha, bulnha. Gumurr-djararrk waku. Ŋarra dhu buṯthun bala retjalil ga buma nhuŋu dharrwa mewirri', ga wiripuny wäwaw maṉḏaŋ ga yapaw."
"Ma!" Biyak marrtjin yolŋuny. "Ŋarra marrtji dhuwal djaṉŋarrthirra."
Then one of her children woke up and said, "Mum, where is my food? I am hungry."
"Hold on, hold on. My poor child. I will fly over to the bush and get you lots of worms, and for your other two brothers and sister."
"Okay, hurry up mum!" he said. "I am becoming hungry."
Page 7.
"Ya dhuwana ya' waku ŋarra dhu buṯthuna."
"Yes here I go child, I will fly."
Page 9.
Buṯnha ŋayi ŋäṉḏi'mirriŋuny nhanŋu. Buṯthurr ŋayi…..i, djuḻkmaraŋal ŋayi guḻun gapu wäkwakmirr, ga djuḻkmaraŋal ŋayi yindi retja gulaka'mirr. Ŋunhiny ŋayi marrtjin buku-märraŋal ŋunhiyin wäŋa ŋatha dharrwamirra.
The mother flew away for him. She flew….., she passed the billabong water full of waterlilies, and she passed the thick scrub full of yams. There she noticed lots of food at that place.
Page 11.
Ga bumar ŋayi mirithin dharrwa ŋatha mala nhanŋuwuy ga nhanukalaŋaw djamarrkuḻiw'.
And she collected lots of food for herself and for her children.
Page 13.
Bala roŋiyinan buṯthurr balayin nhanukalaŋuwal djamarrkuḻi'walnha.
Then she flew back to her children.
Page 15.
Ga ŋayiny nhäŋalnha ŋanya ŋuriŋiny yothuydja nhanukal ŋunhi ŋayi djuy'yurr ŋanya ŋathaw. Bala ŋayi bitjarra waŋan, "Walal rur'yurra walal, ŋamany' dhuwana ŋathaŋurnydja, ga dharrwa ŋatha mala ŋayi ga gäma limurruŋ!"
Bala walal rur'yurra bala walal gan galkurra nhanŋu.
The child who sent her off for food saw her again. Then he said like this, "Everyone, wake up everyone, mum is back from getting food, and she is carrying lots of food for us!"
Then everyone woke up and they waited for her.
Page 17.
Buṯthurrnydja ŋayi gan ŋunhi ŋäṉḏi'mirriŋuny walalaŋ, dhal'nha nhinanan ŋayi yalu'ŋurnha.
The mother bird flew to them, then landed and sat in the nest.
Page 19.
Bala ŋayi marrtjin gurru'-kurruparnha walalaŋ. Bala walal marrtjin nyaŋ'thurrnha ga maranhuyin.
Ga bilin dhuwal dhäwuny – warrakan'puy dhäwu.
Then she gave the food to them. Then they ate it and became full.
And that's the end of the story.
Page 2
Baman'birr, yindi wata bunan, ga marrtjinany ŋayi gan moṉukkurr gapukurr. Yurr ganydjarr-ḏumurr, boy'yurr ga buṯmaraŋal dharpa ga wäŋa mala.
Ga yothu miyapununy, dhawuṯmaraŋal bala djaw'yurr ŋäṉḏi'mirriŋuwal barrkulil wäŋalil.
Ga dhäŋur beŋuryi wataŋur, ŋayi yothuny miyapunu ḏawa'-ḏawayurra, nhinan ḏilmay'mayŋura wäŋaŋur.
Long ago, a huge wind came from across the sea. It blew so strongly that it blew away trees and houses. A baby turtle was blown far away from her mother. After the storm, the baby turtle looked around her at the bush.
Page 4
Ga bäyŋun ŋayi nhäŋal ŋäṉḏi'mirriŋuny ga gapu moṉuktja. Bala ŋayi mirithinan barrarin.
Bala ŋayi marrtjinan bala…a ga nhäŋal mulkurun wäyin.
“Way! Wanha moṉuktja gapu?”, bitjarr yothu miyapunu wäŋan.
“Barrkun birrnha moṉuktja gapu”, bitjarr Weṯiy' lakaraŋal. "Nhaku muka?”
“Ŋarra djäl ŋarra dhu nhäma ŋäṉḏi'mirriŋuny ŋarraku.”
She couldn't see her mother or the sea. She was very frightened.
So she went along and then she saw a strange animal.
"Hey! Where is the sea?", asked the baby turtle.
"The sea is far away", the kangaroo told her. "Why do you want to know?"
"I want to see my mother."
Page 6
"Ma'. Ŋarra nhunany dhu gäma, wapthurr ŋarrakal bathilil.”
Wap, wap, wapthun. Ŋulatjar bala ṉinydjiyakurr wäŋakurr wapthurr.
Ŋunhan ṉinydjiyaŋur wäŋaŋur, ŋayi yothuny miyapunu wäŋan,
“Djutjtjutjnha Weṯi'”.
"Okay. I'll take you, jump into my pouch."
Hop, hop, hop. They hopped to the flood plain country.
At the flood plains, the baby turtle said, "Goodbye Kangaroo".
Page 8
Bala ŋayi marrtjinan bala…a ga nhäŋal mulkurun wäyin.
"Way! Wanha moṉuktja gapu?”, bitjarr yothu miyapunu wäŋan.
“Barrkun birr moṉuktja gapu”, bitjarr Wurrpaṉ'dhu wäŋan. "Nhaku muka?"
"Ŋarra djäl ŋarra dhu nhäma ŋäṉḏi'mirriŋuny ŋarraku.”
She went along and then she saw a strange animal.
"Hey! Where is the sea?", asked the baby turtle.
"The sea is far away", the emu told her. "Why do you want to know?"
"I want to see my mother."
Page 10
“Ma'. Ŋarra nhunany dhu gäma, wapthurr ŋarrakal ḏiltjilil.”
Waṉḏin, waṉḏin, waṉḏin. Ṉinydjiyakurr wäŋakurr gapukurr guḻunmirrikurr waṉḏin. Ŋunhal guḻunmirriŋur wäŋaŋur, ŋayi nyumukuṉiny miyapunu wäŋan,
"Djutjtjutjnha Wurrpaṉ'”.
"Okay. I'll take you, jump onto my back."
Run, run, run. They ran across the flood plains and through the billabong country. At the billabong, the baby turtle said, "Goodbye Emu".
Page 12
Bala ŋayi marrtjinan bala…a ga nhäŋal, mulkurun wäyin, ŋayi guya marrtjin ḏiṯthurr gapuŋur.
“Way! Wanha moṉuktja gapu?”, bitjarr yothu miyapunu waŋan.
“Barrkun birr moṉuktja gapu”, bitjarr Gäḻumayyu lakaraŋal. “Nhaku muka?”
“Ŋarra djäl ŋarra dhu nhäma ŋäṉḏi'mirriŋuny ŋarraku.”
She went along and then she saw a strange animal; he was catching fish in the water.
"Hey! Where is the sea?", asked the baby turtle.
"The sea is far away", the pelican told her. "Why do you want to know?"
"I want to see my mother."
Page 14
“Ma'. Ŋarra nhunany dhu gäma, wapthurr ŋarrakal ḏiltjilil ŋali buṯthuna.”
Buṯ, buṯ, buṯthurr. Garrwarrkurr maṉḏa gapulil moṉuklil buṯthurr.Bala miyapunuytja nhäŋal ŋoynha gapun.
"Okay. I'll take you, jump onto my back and we'll fly."
Flap, flap, flap. They flew through the sky to the sea.
The baby turtle looked down at the sea.
Page 16
Bala yan mirithirra ŋoy-ŋamathirrnydja bala yan ŋurrkanhaminan garrwarŋur bala ŋoylil munathalila.
She was so excited that she jumped off.
Page 18
Dhur… thuryuna bala ŋarakan burakirr. Dhurthur… yurr… gut! Ḏaŋgalknha.
Down, down, bang! She jumped.
She hurt her back.
Page 20
Bala ŋayi nhumandja moṉuknha gapu, bala gaḻ'yuna marrtji ŋayi, ga gaḻ'yun, ga gaḻ'yun yan ḻinygu. Buluny ŋayi ga gulkurun gaḻ'yun.
She could smell the sea. She crawled and crawled and crawled, until she couldn't crawl any more.
Page 22
Ga miyalknha marrtji, bala ŋayi nhäman miyapununy bala ḻaw'maraman, bala gäman moṉuklila gapulil.
Then a girl came along and saw the turtle, so she picked her up and carried her to the sea.
Page 24
Ŋunhi ŋayi dhäkay-ŋämany gapuny miyapunuytja, bala yan mirithirra ŋayi galŋa-djulŋithirr.
Bala ŋayi waythuna ḻarruman ŋäṉḏi'mirriŋuwnha.
When she felt the salt water, the turtle was very happy. Then away she went to look for her mother.
Page 26
Ga ḻinygun dhuwal dhäwuny.
And that is the end of the story.
Page 4
Ŋäthil baman' gan nhinan ŋäṉḏi'mirriŋu weṯi' ga yothu weṯi'.
Rrambaŋi maṉḏa ŋuli ganha marrtjinya mulmuw nyaŋ'thunaraw.
A long time ago, lived a mother and baby kangaroo.
They went to eat some grass together.
Waŋganymirriy waluy ŋayi gan wawun mulmu nyaŋ'thurr ŋäṉḏi'mirriŋuynydja weṯiy',
One day, the mother kangaroo was off guard eating some grass.
Page 5
Bala ŋayi yothuny weṯi' balan bitjarr marrtjin, bala winya'yurra.
and the baby kangaroo went away, and become lost.
Page 6
Bala ŋayi ŋäṉḏi'mirriŋuny weṯi' mel-ḻarruŋal nhanukalaŋaw yothuwnydja. Marrtjin ŋayi ga waŋan wurrpaṉ'nha,
Then the mother kangaroo searched for her baby. She went and said to the emu,
Page 7
"Wäy wurrpaṉ', nhäŋal muka nhe ŋarraku yothunhany?"
"Hey emu, have you seen my baby?"
Page 8
Ga ŋayi wurrpaṉ'tja waŋan bitjarr,
And the emu said,
Page 9
"No, nothing."
Page 10
Waŋan ŋayi djandany,
"Nhäŋal muka nhe ŋarraku yothunhany?"
Ga ŋayi djandany waŋan nhanŋu bitjarr,
"Bäyŋu." Bitjarr.
She said to the goanna, "Have you seen my baby?"
And the goanna said to her like this, "No, nothing." Like that.
Page 12
Marrtjin ŋayi guŋaluŋ'kal ga waŋan ŋanya bitjarr,
"Buwa nhäŋal muka nhe ŋarraku yothunhany?"
Ŋayi guŋaluŋ'tja waŋan nhanŋu bitjarr,
She went to the blue-tongued lizard and said like this,
"Hey, have you seen my baby?"
The blue-tongued lizard said to her, like this,
Page 13
"No, nothing."
Page 14
Beŋuryiny ŋayi nhäŋal gataḻanhan ga waŋan ŋayi ŋanya bitjarr,
"Wanha balaŋ nhe nhänha ŋarraku yothuny?"
Ŋayi bitjarra nhanŋu waŋan gataḻany,
Then she saw the rock wallaby and said to her like this,
"Where have you seen my baby?"
Page 16
"Ŋunha ŋayi ŋorra ga djinawa mathirraŋur ŋarrakal."
"There she is sleeping inside my cave."
Page 18
Märraŋal ŋayi ŋanya, bala maṉḏa marrtjinan roŋiyinan wäŋalila.
She fetched her, then they went home.
Clouds and Winds Wordlist
Page 3
Waŋganymirr waluy yurr wataynydja bärray walal bäpa, ŋama', wäwa, yapa ga yukuyuku ga nhina warraw'ŋur.
One day, father, mother, brother, sister, and little brother were sitting under a shelter.
Page 5
Beŋuryiny walal bukmakthu nhäma yindi watharr gapaḻaḻ ŋayi ga dhärra barrku ŋula wanha!
They saw big, white clouds away in the distance.
Page 7
Ŋurruŋuny yapa waŋa bitjan, "Yäaa ….. yindi gapaḻaḻ dhärra ga wulanŋur."
Beŋuriny wäwan waŋa bitjan gam', "Yäaa …. yindi maŋan ŋoy watamirr ga ŋoy waṉbanamirr. Dhärra ga dholmuŋur."
First sister said, "Ahh … Yes! There are big clouds over the ocean."
Brother said, "Ah … Yes! Over the ocean there are clouds and under it is the wind and rain."
Page 9
Buluny ŋaman' waŋa bitjan, "Yäaa-aa waŋupini dhärra ga galkin gumurrŋura wäŋaŋura dhiyakuŋ wurrkiwnha warrkarrwun, maranydjalkkun ga borumgun wäwuruwnha."
Mother replied, "When those clouds approach our place, we know it is the right time for flowers, edible fruit, animals and stingray."
Page 11
Yukuyukuny waŋa bitjan, "Yäaa-aaa!"
Ŋayiny bäpany waŋa bitjan, “Yo walal bilin dhuwal dhawalnydja wolmaynha bitjandja dhuwana räli waṉbanany galkin bala yan walalany dharyuna."
Bäpa, ŋama', wäwa, yapa ga yukuyukuny marrtjiny walal roŋiyirrnydja bala wäŋalilnydja rumbal djurruknha, moymirra ga dhiwk'thiwknha ḻupthundja walal, ŋathany walal ḻuka bala walal ŋorra-ŋurran.
Little brother agreed and said "Yes!"
Father said, "That thunder and those clouds are really close, it is now beginning to rain."
Father, mother, brother, sister, and little brother returned home. They were wet, sticky and dirty so they had a shower, ate some food and went to sleep.
Page 12
Ga balanya nhumalaŋ dhäwuny.
Page 2
Dhuwandja nyirnyir waltjaṉ marrtji dharyun.
This drizzling rain is pouring down.
Page 3
Dhuwandja nyika' waltjaṉ marrtji nyärryun ga watany ga biw'yun ga waŋalkanha.
There is light, misty rain and there is a windy breeze.
Page 4
Bärramirriynydja waluy napurruny ŋuli ga maykarraṉ'dhun buma bili yindin waltjaṉ napurr ŋuli ga märram.
During the west wind season, we have lightning strikes and heavy rain.
Page 5
Yindiny baḻkurrk ŋuli nyärryun ŋhuni ŋuli ga gumurryu gäma Bärray' watay.
The big rains start when the strong west winds begin to blow towards the shore.
Page 6
Dhukumulyu waltjaṉdhu ŋuli dharyun, ga wäŋgany ŋuli ga dhärra dhurruknha ga dhiwkthiwknha.
During constant and heavy rain, places get wet and dirty.
Page 7
Gapuny ŋuli ḏogumirriyirra ga gumurrlila wäŋalila ŋuli ŋal'yundja.
When it's the windy season, king tides come up the shore.
Page 8
Dhurrwaraŋur yindiŋur waltjaṉŋur gapuny ŋuli ga waṉḏirr djurrdjurrnha raŋii-ŋupandja balany moṉuklilnha.
After heavy rain, there is fresh, spring water everywhere.
Page 9
Dhuwal gäpaḻaḻ marrtji mana'manapanmirr waltjaṉgun.
Clouds are gathering to bring the rain.
Page 10
Bärramirriynydja waluy, gäpaḻaḻnydja ŋuli molthirrnha, ga ŋuriŋiyiny ŋuli maŋutji-ḻakaraman yindin waltjaṉ ga wata.
During the time of the west winds, clouds become black and it tells us that heavy rain and strong winds are coming.
Nyumukuṉiny Garkman
"The little frog"
Page 3
Waŋganymirr gan nhinan garkman, yurr nhanŋu bäyŋu ŋäṉḏi'mirriŋuny. Nhanŋu ŋäṉḏi'mirriŋuny dhiŋgaŋal ŋunhi ŋayi nyumukuṉiny muka yan.
Once upon a time, there lived a little frog, but its mother passed away when it was just a little baby.
Page 5
Waŋganymirr ŋayi marrtjin bala nyiknyikkal wäŋalil, bal'yurr nhanŋu ŋayi ŋathaw. Nhanŋu ŋuriki nyiknyikkuny wäŋany gan dhärran bukuŋur. Ŋal'yurr ŋayi marrtjin ŋunhi nyumukuṉiny'tja garkman burnha ŋayi nhanŋu bunan. Wutthu'wutthurr ŋayi nhanŋu wäŋa dhurrwara, bala ŋayi dhawaṯthurra.
One day it went to a mouse's house to look for food. The house was on top of a hill. The little frog climbed up the hill and arrived at the mouse's house. It knocked on the door and out came the mouse.
Page 7
"Nha way buwa nhaku nhe dhuwal marrtjin ŋarrakal wäŋalil?" "Ŋathaw ŋarra dhuwal nhuŋu baḻ'yurr."
"Yol bili nhe dhuwal?", bitjarr ŋayi nyiknyik.
"Ŋarra dhuwal nyumukuṉiny garkman, yurr ŋarra dhuwal ŋäṉḏimiriw."
Ga ŋayiny nyiknyiktja waŋan, "Yaka dhuwal ŋarra nhunu marŋginy. Yurr bäydhin, mak nhe dhu gärrin dhipal ŋarrakal wäŋalil, bili nhe dhuwali djaṉŋarrthin."
"What's up mate, why have you come to my house?" asked the mouse.
"I want you to give me food," said the little frog. "I am a little frog and I have no mother".
"I don't know you but that doesn't matter, just come in because you are hungry."
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Bala ŋayi ŋunhi nyumukuṉiny'tja garkman gärrinan nhanukal wäŋalil, bala ŋayi gan ŋathan nyaŋ'thurr nyiknyikkuŋun.
The little frog went into the mouse's house and ate some of its food.
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Ga ŋunhi ŋayi dhawar'yurr ŋathaŋurnydja, ga ŋayi nyiknyik waŋan nhanukal bitjarr, "Way wäŋany marrtji dhuwal galki munhawuyirra ga nhaltjanna nheny dhu?""Yow, yakan ŋarra marŋgi."
Ga ŋayi ŋunhi nyiknyik waŋan bitjarr.
"Nhämirr nhe ŋuli ŋorri dhiyalnydja ŋarrakalnydja wäŋaŋur."
"Yo marrkapmirr biyakiyi ŋarraku ḻunduthi, bili ŋarra dhuwal ḻundumiriw."
Bala ŋayi gan ŋunhilin nhinan bitjarra ḻinygu ŋurikala nyiknyikkala ŋunhiyiny nyumukuṉiny'tja garkman.
When it finished eating the mouse said, "Hey, it's getting dark, what will you do now?"
"I don't know," answered the frog.
The mouse said, "Well, you can stay at my house."
"Thank you for that because I do not have a friend."
From then on, the frog lived with the mouse for the rest of its life.