Nhuma ga Linyu

You and Us

Yolŋu walal ga nhina dhakalŋur. Ga bathan walal ga miyapunu ga ŋarirri'.
Some people were on an island, and they were cooking turtle and fish.

Bala walal marrtjin marthaŋayyu wäŋalil. Ga gämany walal dharrwa maypal dhakalŋur.
Then they went home by boat. And they took lots of shellfish from the island.

Ga ŋayiny yapany waŋan, “Walal nhuma märram maypal marthaŋayŋur, bili linyu ga dhuwal yindi djäma gurtha
And she, sister, said, "You mob, you fetch the shellfish from the boat, because we two are making a big fire

maypalwu ga ŋathaw. Ga linyuny dhu ga bathana, bala limurr dhu nyaŋ'thun raŋiŋur.”
for the shellfish and other food. We two will cook, then we all will eat on the beach."

Bala walal marrtjin ga märram maypal marthaŋayŋur.
Then they went and fetched the shellfish from the boat.

Bala walal gäman maṉḏaŋgun.
Then they carried it for those two.

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