Mutika ga Waṉḏirr Biḻayinlil.
The Car is Going to the Airport
Mutika ga waṉḏirr wupitjlil.
The car is going to the office.
Mutika ga waṉḏirr do'lil.
The car is going to the store.
Mutika ga waṉḏirr butpuḻlil.
The car is going to the football.
Mutika ga waṉḏirr wukirrilil.
The car is going to the school.
Mutika ga waṉḏirr woktjaplil.
The car is going to the workshop.
Mutika ga waṉḏirr raŋilil.
The car is going to the beach.
Mutika ga waṉḏirr watjpillil.
The car is going to the health centre.
Mutika ga waṉḏirr wäŋalil.
The car is going home.