Bukmak Napurr ga Nhina

We all sat together

Märiy ga gäma banikin muḻkurryu.

Grandmother is carrying a pot on her head.

Waway ga gäma gurtha waṉay.

Brother is carrying fire wood in his arms.

Yukuyukuy ga gäma ŋatha djamurryu.

Little brother is carrying food on his hip.

Ŋamay ga gäma bathi bukuy.

Mother is carrying a dillybag around her forehead.

Ŋapipiy ga gäma yothuny gupay.

Uncle is carrying a baby on his shoulders.

Dhuwana bäpany marrtji ga!

Here comes father! 

Ga… gäma ŋayi ga maranydjalk.

And… he is carrying stingray.

Dharrwa maranydjalk mala.

Lots of stingray.

Bala napurr nhina bukmak warraw’ŋura.

And we all sat together in the shade.

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