Ŋaḻindi Ga Märrma' Miyalk Ga Yothu Nhanŋu

Moon and his Two Wives and Sons

*Gupapuyŋu text shown in bold (spoken by the characters)

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Dhuwandja Ŋaḻindipuy, walal gan nhinan miyalk maṉḏa nhanŋu ga yothu märrma' gurrmul maṉḏany. Ŋayiny gan Ŋaḻindiynydja bumar bathi ganybu ŋarirriw'. Nhinan walal gan ŋunhiliyi ŋayi gan wäŋaraŋal Ŋaḻindiy. Bala maṉḏany miyalktja maṉḏa nhanŋu gurku'yurr ŋathawnha gulakaw'nha, "Nhumany yothu maṉḏa nhini, nhuŋuny balpara'. Nheny dhu ga bathi buma ga yothuwal maṉḏaŋgal balparay', ga linyuny dhu ŋayaŋay'wu marrtji.”

This story is about the moon, his two wives and two sons. The moon was working on a fish net. His two wives decided to collect some yams. "You stay here with the boys, they will be your company, while you work on the fish net, and we will go and get some yams." they said to the moon.

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Bala maṉḏany djawaryurra nhinanharaw, bala maṉḏa waŋanan bitjarrnha, “Mori, dhuwala linyu dhu guḻun nhäma ŋawarramuwa limurruŋgu, ga garawa linyu djälnydja.", bitjarr.

Ŋayiny ŋunhi gurrupar, "Dhuwalana garanydja märraŋuna maṉḏa, märr nhuma dhu ŋula ŋarirri' marrtji barrtjun, nhä maku warrakan'". Ŋayiny nhinan bumar mori'mirriŋunydja maṉḏaŋgal, ḏawa'yurrnydja ŋayi, dharr nhäŋal, "Nhä ga dhuwalanydja rra maranhirrina dhu gäthuwuŋu maṉḏaŋguŋu, bili ŋarra wiyin' nhinana djaṉŋarr gana."

The two boys became tired, and they said to their father, "Father, we are going to the billabong to get some fish, and we want some spears." The father gave them the spears, "Here take the spears so you will spear some fish for us or some animals maybe?" he said. As he was making the fish net, he turned around and saw the boys coming back. He thought, "I'm not going to be hungry anymore, because my two sons are coming back. I've been sitting here for a long time and I'm very hungry."

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Bala nhinanan gurthany ŋawmaraŋal, dhal'maraŋalnydja marrtjin, butju-waŋgapunuŋal, yarwi'-märraŋalnydja, birraŋanyguŋal ḻukanany marrtjin ḻukanany marrtjin, bala maṉḏa waŋanhaminan ŋunhi rathany' maṉḏa. Waŋanhamin maṉḏany bitjanmin, "Nhe morinha gurrupulu."

"Yaka, wäwa, ŋarra dhuwala djaṉŋarrthina, ŋarranydja dhu dhuwala ŋarrapi ḻuka dhawar'marama."

"Mori, bäyŋuna bili linyu dhawar'maraŋala, bili linyu djaṉŋarrthina", bitjarra maṉḏa. Mukthurr yan ŋayi gan nyäḻka' bumar.

Ḻukan marrtjin dhawar'nha, dhawar'yurr ŋayiny gunhu'mirriŋuynydja nhäŋal bäyŋun, “Bäydhi maku”.

The two boys went and sat down and made a big fire. They cooked the magpie goose and fish and ate them. Then they said to each other, "You give some to father". "No brother I'm hungry, I'm going to eat it all up." They then said to the moon, "Father, there's no food left, we ate it all because we were hungry." The father just sat there working away on the fish net. The sons had eaten all the meat. When the father turned around, there was none left. "Okay fine," he said.

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“Way, gurrmul maṉḏa maku maṉḏa dhipala gärri wuŋuḻi' go', ŋoy-birrka'yurru nhalayaku ḻimurru dhu ŋarirri'nha.” Gärrin maṉḏa, bala garrwi'yurra gan mayaŋnha rakiy'nha ganybuny. Garrwi', garrwi', garrwi', garrwi', garrwi', ḻaw' bäy ŋarkulay ŋanya buku-ḻupmaraŋal ḏamurruŋ'thu gapuy, bala ŋurrkaŋala. Bilin ŋayi maṉḏany ŋurrkaŋala ḏamurruŋ'lila. Nhinanan ŋayiny gurrthu'ŋura galkurrnha . . . a bitjarra, ŋäṉḏi'mirriŋuwnydja maṉḏaŋ, bitjarrnydja dhuwana gurrukam marrtji gulaka'. Ripurrun ŋayambalkthu, ḻäy-bilyunaraynha.

Then he said, "Hey you two boys, can you get into this net? We'll just test this net to see what will happen when there is some fish in the net." They went into the net and the father tied the net with some string, picked it up and went into the river. He waded until the water got up to his waist and then he threw the net into the water. The moon went and sat in the shade waiting for the two mothers to come back with yams.

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Bala roŋiyinan miyalktja maṉḏa nhanŋu Ŋaḻindiwnydja ŋathaŋurnydja bunhaŋur, ŋatha maṉḏa ŋanya gurrupar ḻukan ŋayi maranhuyin, marrkaŋala gurrmulwuy maṉḏaŋ ŋurikiyi....i bala maṉḏa dhä-birrka'yurra bitjarrnha, “Dhuwal nhe ga gäna nhina, ga wanha yothuny maṉḏa?”, bitjarr maṉḏa nhanŋu Ŋaḻindiw waŋan.

“Dhuwala maṉḏa ŋarranha djimiḏi' gombuŋala bala marrtjina ŋarirri'wa maṉḏa lakaraŋala ga warrakan' ŋawarramu”. Nhinan maṉḏany miyalktja maṉḏa märr gurriri bala ḻarruŋala maṉḏaŋ wäthu'-wäthurra.......a, nhäŋal djalkirin maṉḏany ŋunhi gurrmulnha maṉḏany gumurr-roŋiyinyawuynha.

Late in the afternoon the mothers of the boys came back with some yams. They gave him some yams. He ate some and was full. Then they asked about the boys, " You are here all alone. Where are the boys?". "They asked me for some spears and went off to get some fish and birds" the moon replied.

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Roŋiyinyawuy djalkiri marrtjin dhärran beŋurnha ŋarirri'ŋurnha ga wäyinŋurnha bunhaŋur rälin wäŋalila, ŋupar marrtjin räli, dharr gay'yi nhäŋal ḻirrwin' maṉḏaŋguŋ wäyinbuynha butjun nhäŋal wäyinnha gulkthunawuynha ga ŋarirrin' giniknha. Ga buluny maṉḏa dhä-wirrka'yuna balaŋ, yan maṉḏa maŋutji-ḻarruŋal ŋurukiyin nyäḻkaw'nha ganybuwnha. Yan maṉḏa ŋanya djalkirin dhiṉ'thurr ŋunhi ŋayi yarrupthurr gäŋal maṉḏany, ŋuparnha marrtji........n ga ŋarkula'lil dhä-manapar ḏamurruŋ'lil.

The mothers of the boys waited and then went off to look for them. They found the boys footprints coming back home from hunting. They followed the tracks and found the fire where the boys had been cooking the birds and the fish. (Then they realised that the fishnet that moon had been working on was not there.) They went back and asked the moon where the fishnet was.

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Bala nhäŋalnha maṉḏa beŋurnydja, muḻmuḻkalapuŋal ŋarkulany ŋunhi ḏamurruŋ'tja. Bilin. Bala maṉḏa nyäyurra ŋäṉḏi'mirriŋuny maṉḏa.........a, bala dhawaṯmaraŋal nyäḻkany' ŋunhi maṉḏaŋgalaŋamirr yapmaraŋal rakiny', nhäŋalnydja rakunynha maṉḏany.

Bilin. Munatha'lilyaŋalnydja maṉḏapin ŋäṉḏi'mirriŋuy maṉḏa.Nhinanany maṉḏa märr gurriri, bala raŋangun gali'yurr.

The wives followed the moon's footprints, where he had carried the boys down to the river. Then they saw the foam on the water. They started crying and dragged the fish net out of the water. They untied the net and saw the boys in the net dead. They buried the bodies.

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“Ŋali, raŋan barrtjun go', ŋali buṉbu warkthun,” bitjarr maṉḏa. Yaka ŋuli bitjana ḻoḻu-nhirrpana, buṉbu maṉḏa djäma ḏämbu-ḏamala biṯiriŋgitjkuŋal bitjarr, ga ŋunhany ḏämbuny ḻurrthunmaraŋal ŋawulul'wuny dhawaṯthunaraw. Manymak. Gämukthinany marrtjin . . . n, yup gämuktja marrtjin yupthurrnha, bala maṉḏa waŋanhaminan bitjarrnha, "Nhe dhu biŋga'yun ga ŋarra dhu biŋga'yun." Maṉḏany nhanŋu waŋanhamin Ŋaḻindiw. "Ga gurtha nhe dhu märram ga ŋarra dhu märram."

The wives sat down to rest and then said to each other, "Let's go and get some paperbark so we can make a shelter for us and the moon." So, they made a shelter and left some space where the fire would be put. When night came, they said to themselves, "Don't go to sleep, we will both be awake, so you get a fire stick and I will get a fire stick and we will just burn moon, because he drowned our sons."

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Bala ŋali dhu dhuŋgur'yuna ḻirra'-garrpin yan gurthany nhirrpan nhanukalaŋumirr Ŋaḻindiwalaŋumirr, “Nhakun ŋayi rathany' maṉḏany yawungu ŋayipin buwayakkum bäpa'mirriŋuy.", bitjanmin maṉḏa waŋanhamin walupuy yan dhurpu-milmitjpa.

Manymak. Bala ŋorra'-ŋurranan yakurr mukthurra, yan bili. . .i ga balaŋun guwaḻyun-munhay djeḏan', gaḻ'yurr, bala maṉḏa dhirr'yunminan maṉḏany yapa'manydjiny. Ŋayi dhawaṯthurr, ga balayi ŋunhi dhurrwara-gungaŋal wäŋany biṯiriŋgitjkuŋal ḻiw'maraŋal yan. Bilin. Gurthany maṉḏa märraŋal, bala ḏulwirr'yurra ŋunhi ṉäkuny, ḏulwi . . . rr. Bilin nhäranan marrtjin.

So, the two wives lay down with the moon and pretended to sleep. In the middle of the night the women got up and went outside the shelter and put the shelter on fire. While the moon was sleeping inside, the shelter was on fire. He felt the shelter burning and shouted, "Hey why did you do this? Please put the fire out!"

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Ŋayiny gan ŋorran ŋunhi Ŋaḻindiny, bala marrtjin nhumarnha ŋawulul'tja, gorrmur'yinan marrtjin galŋan gurthaynha ŋuruŋiyi ŋäṉarryun, ŋayi marrtjin ŋala'-ŋalapthurra ŋäṉarrnydja gurthany. Yatjurranha ŋunhalnydja djinawany, "Wäy! Nhaltjarra rraku nhuma galay maṉḏa, nhaltjarra rraku mulkuruyina ḻiya-dhumukthina miriŋuyina ŋathili maṉḏa bulŋuyukkuŋu," bitjarr ŋayi Ŋaḻindiny waŋan.

"Ŋe . . .? Dhuwana nhe ḻiyany? Ŋunhi nhe yawungu linyalaŋ yothuny ḻuka märrma'kum nhepi bäpa'mirriŋuy ŋuli balaŋ nhe bitjana yi gay'yi birrka'yunminya nhunapinya nhe, ga walŋakunha yothuny maṉḏany ga dhuwandja nheny dhu bitjandhi bili nhära," bitjarr maṉḏany waŋan.

Nhäran marrtji . . . n warrpam'thurra ḻuḻupthurr galŋany ḻaḻawukthurra, dhawa'-dhawaryurra nhanŋu marrtjin watany, bala ŋayi bitjarrnha gurriri-gulktja, ŋunhi nhanŋu waluny galkithin dhiŋganharawnydja.

"So, that's it eh, you, their own father, you shouldn't have thought of killing our sons, so, we are going to do the same to you. You will burn to death." The moon burned, his skin began to peel, and he became short of breath. He lay there close dying and spoke to his wives.

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Bala ŋayi waŋanan bitjarrnha Ŋaḻindiny, "Galakala dhubiḻ wirripikiḻi gurrnyalinyali ŋarranydja yurru dhiŋgama, ga ḻurrkun' munha ŋarra yurru ŋorri moluŋura. Ga bulu dhu rra buwaḻ'yurru walŋathi nhuma ŋarranha nhäŋu ŋarra dhu gorruŋu boŋguŋu yuṯana ḻikan,” bitjarr ŋayi Ŋaḻindi lakaranhamin. Dhiŋgam beŋur birrku'ŋur, birrku'yirr ŋayi ŋuli marrtji minyinyakthirra ḻikan nha wirrthirra ŋayi li marrtji, bala rakunydhirra. Ga bulu walŋathinyaraw Ŋaḻindiw balanyamirriy ŋunhi ŋäthil waluy.

Ga balanya.

He said, "when I die, I will only die for three days, and I will come back to life". And from that time long ago the moon comes back to life each month.

That's all.
